McLoughlin Lab
in Population Ecology
We have a number of interesting studies on the go: exciting projects looking at various aspects of behavioural and population ecology, evolutionary ecology, community ecology, and conservation and management.
Welcome to our lab page!
We have several projects associated with the outdoor laboratory of Sable Island, Nova Scotia (ongoing since 2007). Building on what we have learned about feral horse population ecology on Sable Island, we recently initiated a new program on the management and ecology of the feral horses of the Alberta foothills. Research programs that we are currently building toward includes boreal plains caribou, moose, and white-tailed deer projects including aerial imagery and chronic wasting disease components. Click on our collaborators page to meet all of the people that help make our projects possible. Click on the teaching link if you are interested in the courses that I instruct each year in the Department of Biology. Feel free to contact us to discuss potential opportunities for work or if you have any questions. Follow some of our projects by clicking the research menu, or by going straight to our lab Facebook pages and Twitter feed (links below).