Ayicia Nabigon – M.Sc.

About Alycia

Ayicia (she/her) is Anishnaabe from Biigtigong Nishnaabeg, Ontario. Ayicia grew up on the north shore of Lake Superior where she spent countless hours exploring the terrestrial and aquatic world of the boreal forest. Her love for the natural environment took her to Toronto’s York University to complete an HBSc in Environmental Biology, while spending her summers at home working on the ecology team at Pukaskwa National Park. Ayicia’s background includes occupancy modelling and analysis of peregrine falcons and grey wolves in Pukaskwa National Park and ecological monitoring of Pitcher’s thistle, arctic alpine plants, colonial waterbirds, and freshwater stream quality. Ayicia joined the McLoughlin lab in September 2022 as a M.Sc. student. Her Masters research involves studying patterns of resource selection and life history in moose in the boreal forest along with the impacts of white-tailed deer range overlap. Aside from her research, Ayicia enjoys exploring the boreal forest on foot, on skis, and by canoe (while she is not tending to her vegetable garden).