About Dale
Dale grew up in a log cabin, on a trapline in north-central Saskatchewan, where he spent much of his pre-university years learning first-hand about nature and northern ecosystems. Having developed a love of nature and the north through this early adventure, he attended the University of Saskatchewan from 2014-2018 to pursue his BSc (Hons) in environmental biology. He has been a part of the McLoughlin lab since 2017—initially as an undergraduate student studying home ranges and movement of boreal forest black bears for his Honour’s project, and since 2019 as a Masters student. His Master’s research examines patterns in habitat selection and movement of white-tailed deer in the boreal fringe of Saskatchewan, with an emphasis on potential for chronic wasting disease transmission to woodland caribou through shared habitat use. Other adventures include his current part-time employment as the provincial wildlife biologist for elk, and being filmed in 2014 on his trapline for Discovery Channel’s reality show Sons of Winter.